Hays Post
A unanimous vote by Hays city commissioners Thursday night drew applause from the audience after agreement to a one-half cent retail sales tax ballot for assisting USD 489 in repaying a school bond issue, should it also be approved by voters during the May 10 special election.
School board members voted unanimously Monday to send the $1.43 million bond issue to district patrons.
The ballot question is all ultimately about the need for space, Ron Wilson, told the commission.
"Overall, we're up roughly 300 students the past 15 years in already small schools back in 2006," Wilson said. "It's created issues for us."
Student enrollment is currently over capacity in each of the district's six schools, except for Lincoln Elementary.
City commissioners each said they personally support passage of the school bond issue and the associated 0.5 percent sales tax.
They discussed the connection between good schools and the future growth of Hays.
Vice-Mayor Michael Berges talked about the impact on his three sons who are all enrolled in USD 489. The oldest boy is 10 years old.
"When this bond would be paid off in 30 years - it could be earlier - he'll be 40 years old.
"I believe when Ron Wilson says that initial generation of students that gets to go through new schools gets drawn in and believes in their community that they're being supported and want to maintain a stake in our community," Berges said.

In other business, commissioners approved a low bid of $73, 577 from West Coast Netting, Kingman, Arizona, for a replacement of the foul ball safety net at Larks Park.
They also approved low bids for 2022 street maintenance projects.
This year’s program includes seal coat, polypatch, reconstruction of two concrete alleys, reconstruction of 22nd St. from Allen to Vine, bridge deck patching, and sidewalk construction.
The total of the low bid contracts bis $705,000 to be funded out of the special highway fund.
Photo caption corrected 7:40 a.m. Friday to correct school bond total cost.