Sep 19, 2022

Security project, amphitheater coming to ARC Park in Hays

Posted Sep 19, 2022 10:45 AM
The Wonder Women League and community sponsors break ground on a lighting and security camera project at the ARC Park on Thursday. Photo by Cristina Janney/Hays Post<br>
The Wonder Women League and community sponsors break ground on a lighting and security camera project at the ARC Park on Thursday. Photo by Cristina Janney/Hays Post

Hays Post

The Wonder Women League on Thursday broke ground on an almost $40,000 project to add security cameras and lighting at the ARC Park.

In addition, ground will be broken on an amphitheater at the park next week. That project is sponsored by Leadership Hays 2021.

The lighting and camera project was part of the planning for the park from the beginning.

The need for these security features became more urgent as the park experienced several incidents of vandalism, just as the park was set to open last year, said Sarah Meitner, board member with the Arc of Central Plains. Parts of the playground were spray painted, and the park's bathrooms were damaged several times.

From the beginning, neighbors expressed a desire for more lighting and cameras for safety reasons, Meitner said.

"It will help the police as they drive by," she said. "They can look in, and if they see something suspicious, they can check it out."

The Arc will not be monitoring the footage from the cameras. That will be left up to the City and Hays and Hays Police Department.

"It gives us some peace of mind that if something happens, it could lead to an arrest," Meitner said.

The lighting and camera project was made possible through monetary and in-kind donations from the Wonder Women League, City of Hays, Stanion Wholesale Electric Company, Vyve Broadband and the Heartland Community Foundation.

The Wonder Women League is an all-women volunteer group with more than 140 members. It is under the umbrella of the United Way of Ellis County.

The time frame for completion of the project is contingent on weather, supply-chain issues and shipping.

These two older slides will be removed and replaced with an amphitheater. The project is being sponsored by the 2021 Class of Leadership Hays.<br>
These two older slides will be removed and replaced with an amphitheater. The project is being sponsored by the 2021 Class of Leadership Hays.


Construction on an amphitheater at the ARC Park is supposed to start next week.

Two older slides in the old playground area north of the shelter will be removed to make space for the amphitheater.

There will be a small outdoor stage, and benches and stools for about 25 to 30 people to watch a story time facilitated by the library or any other outdoor program.

The Fort Hays State University construction program was tapped to build the project. However, the project was delayed because of a change in leadership in that program at FHSU. The new leader of that program, Nathan Howard, is now on board with the project, Meitner said.

The 2021 Class of Leadership Hays initially raised $18,000 for the project, but the delay has resulted in an increase in cost to about $25,000. Members of the class are soliciting donations to make up for the shortfall.

Donations can be made through the Hays Chamber, 2700 Vine, or call 785-628-8201.

Editor's note: Cristina Janney is a member of the Wonder Women League.