May 24, 2024

Health battle inspires FHSU student’s journey

Posted May 24, 2024 9:30 AM
Bailasaan "Beso" Ghunaim. Courtesy photo
Bailasaan "Beso" Ghunaim. Courtesy photo

FHSU Foundation

At first glance, Fort Hays State University student Bailasaan “Beso” Ghunaim may seem like an average 19-year-old. Underneath her bubbly and contagiously cheerful personality, though, is a survivor. She has experienced several life-altering struggles that could break even the strongest spirits. After spending much of her childhood in hospitals fighting leukemia, Bailasaan is determined to become a doctor to support patients facing similar challenges.

When she was just six years old, Bailasaan’s parents decided to move to America from their home in Jordan. Her dad, Hussam Ghunaim, now a faculty member in FHSU’s Department of Computer Science, held positions at several universities nationwide. Between moving from city to city and battling cancer, Bailasaan missed out on often memorable childhood experiences while regaining her health.

For a long time, Bailasaan felt angry for losing her youth to cancer. Finally in remission after two bouts with leukemia, she had a class in eighth grade that shifted her resentment into action.

In human anatomy, Bailasaan saw images of CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs, much like those she’d seen growing up with cancer. The class opened her eyes to the body's physical structures, sparking an interest in the function of the human heart. Having suffered from heart issues due to the long-lasting effects of leukemia, Bailasaan desires to become a cardiologist to help others walk the same road to wellness.

When Bailasaan’s family settled in Hays, she began thinking of the steps she would take to reach her goal. Knowing that she’d like to attend medical school, she started looking at Fort Hays State for programs that would allow her to do so. Her sister, Raneem, who Bailasaan says is her number-one supporter and inspiration, recommended she get started on her path to medical school by studying ultrasound at FHSU.

Bailasaan recently learned she has been accepted into FHSU’s Medical Diagnostic Imaging program, which will help her build upon the skills she’ll need as a physician.

Planning for medical school and its hefty price tag, Bailasaan has been cautious about taking on student debt. Outside of class, she works two jobs on and off campus: in FHSU’s President’s Office and at HaysMed. She’s also a VIP Ambassador for FHSU President Dr. Tisa Mason, representing the best of the best at Fort Hays State. Juggling two jobs, her studies, and extracurricular involvement keep her busy, but Bailasaan knows each day brings her one step closer to making a difference.

Bailasaan is grateful for FHSU and its generous donors’ support in keeping college debt minimal as she and other students chase a future in medicine. Thanks to scholarship support, dreams are within reach for students like Bailasaan.

Scholarships create opportunities for hard-working and driven students. Starting a scholarship in honor of a family member, friend, loved one, or business is one way to make a lasting impact on Fort Hays State University students.

The FHSU Foundation team is happy to arrange a no-obligation visit to discuss options and potential tax benefits that may be available. Visit, call 785-628-5620, or email [email protected] to learn more.