Oct 25, 2023

Hays USD 489 school board candidate: Allen Park

Posted Oct 25, 2023 9:45 AM

The Hays Post sent questionnaires to all the candidates who are running for seats on the Hays USD 489 school board.

Candidates on the ballot include David Clingan, James Feyerherm, Jayme Goetz, Lori Hertel, Craig Pallister, Allen Park, Ruth Ruder, Duff Watson, Dennis Wilkie and Derek Yarmer.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

To find your polling location, click here.

Allen Park

Allen Park.jpg
Allen Park.jpg

Age: 61
Occupation: Retired educator
Incumbent: Yes, I am seeking my second term.

Do you have children or grandchildren who attend(ed) Hays USD 489 schools?

Read more biographic information here.

If you had one thing you could change about the USD 489 school district, what would it be?

Communication is a key component of trying to regain and establish trust. This means communication between the entire school community, including the opinions of the minority. All views need to be heard and discussed. Board meetings should establish a culture to be inclusive and transparent.

The passing of the bond is an exciting opportunity for Hays and our district. Nearly half of our community did not vote for it. It may not mean they don’t support the idea. They may just need to be more informed, have questions answered, and have opportunities to provide input on how their investment is being spent.

Our job is not finished. It is the responsibility of the Board to work just as hard now after the election of the bond as we did trying to gain support to pass the bond. Communication with the school community about the progress of the projects is a vital part of gaining support and understanding.

What is your opinion of the current school board? Do you think you could compromise with the incumbents who will remain on the board?

Frequent, open, and honest dialog is necessary for all boards, especially public-school boards. Building a consensus is key to being an effective board.

“Why are we doing this? How much will it cost? How will it help student achievement? Is it best for kids?” If these questions are answered routinely throughout the meetings, our community would be more informed and the board would be ready to make solid decisions. Discussion, compromise, listening, and exploring all options are ways to build consensus. Sometimes sacrifice is mutual; not one-sided. By bridging the gap, all parties can feel heard, understood, and come to an effective solution to the issue. With this open discussion, the community deserves to see and hear the board work. These discussions should not take place behind closed doors.

I look forward to working with all board members elected by our district community to accomplish what’s best for our kids if elected in November.

What is your opinion of the Hays USD 489 administration?

I believe all current USD 489 administrators are Kansas certified and are expected to perform their required duties according to board policy and Kansas state statute.

Our administrative team has a broad range of experience in their current positions and the school board needs to provide the tools, guidance, and expectations for them to be successful.

What do you think the board’s role should be in the day-to-day operations of the district?

The board has many important roles, but the day-to-day management is not one of them. Board policy is what shapes the district and is one avenue the staff relies on to know the expectations of the board. The board writes policy and ensures that it follows state statute and informs the entire school community of changes and revisions. The board needs to be diligent to make sure policy is clear and sets proper expectations for all of us to follow.

What role do you think the board should have moving forward with the bond issue projects?

The school board has an awesome responsibility in the following months and years to ensure the bond process is executed correctly, timely, and fiscally responsibly. We need to be willing to invest the time and energy for meetings, conversations, visits to schools, and professional workshops. We need to do whatever it takes to accomplish these bond projects. Our decisions today have implications decades from now. I am the only board member that has 100 percent attendance at board meetings over four years. I am serious about this position and am willing to use my experience from previous 489 building projects and work with the board, administration and community in this process.

Have you received money or in-kind donations from individuals, businesses, groups or PACs outside of the school district?

I have not received any money outside of the school district. The few donations I have received have come from family, friends, and community members that care about kids and education in Hays. Any additional expenses have been paid through personal funds.