Hays Post
The Ellis County Commission will hear the Ellis County Health Department's annual grant submission and update during its meeting at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.
The Health Department relies on annual grants to support its operations. Director Melissa Miller and Kerry McCue will discuss three key grants the department has traditionally received.
DSNWK letter of support
Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas is applying for Kansas Community Service tax credits to support various organizational improvements.
County Administrator Darin Myers will discuss with the commissioners the need for a letter of support to be included in DSNWK's application, which is due by April 28.
Subdevelopment road
Residents have approached the commissioners regarding road maintenance concerns in their subdivisions.
Presented by Commission Chair Michael Berges, Hilltop Road homeowners and other subdivisions around Hays will attend the meeting to discuss additional road maintenance concerns.
Hilltop Road underwent a road maintenance project last year to improve deficiencies.
Other business
Ellis County Treasurer Vernon Ruder will speak to commissioners about removing a wall in the treasury back office to improve space utilization.
You can view the full agenda here.