Jan 25, 2021

Form and function: New Hays gym centers around training and fitness

Posted Jan 25, 2021 11:55 AM

Hays Post

Despite the rather feisty name of Hays’ newest gym, Wild Style Kickboxing, 1011 W. 27th, No. 5, it’s all about getting up and active, according to owner Steven Wilkinson.

The gym formally opened recently but helping others to achieve their fitness goals has been a central part of Wilkinson’s life far longer.

His martial arts story begins in 2012 while he was living in his hometown of Great Bend, training at Iron Cobra Martial Arts.

“That's where my journey really started,” Wilkinson said.

Ultimately, he found a gym in the region that helped launch his fighting career.

And over the last four years as an active competitor in combat sports, he's won several titles along the way.

While training himself, he began working with friends, training them at his home.

“Before I knew it, I had more and more people interested or wanting to show up and get in shape — to change their life to a more active and healthier lifestyle, up and moving and doing something,” Wilkinson said.

He said boxing and kickboxing have becoming more mainstream as well and with Hays being a college town, self-defense knowledge is frequently sought in the city.

“A lot of women have taken an interest in what we have going on,” Wilkinson said.

So, over the summer, he was actively training more than a dozen people out of his home. After being pursued about winter training, he began the process of securing a location.

“I didn’t realize it was going to be as big as it was,” Wilkinson said. “But we wanted to put a place together where people could train and get their life back.”

Training and the preparing for fights, he said, helped him get his life on track and now he hopes to share that with others.

“I literally had to fight my way to a better life,” he said. “Now I can do it constructively, and this has helped me keep my life on track and keep a focus toward a healthier lifestyle.”

Kickboxing as a sport, he said, is a solo activity, where failure cannot be blamed on anyone but the individual.

“You are the only person accountable for your action inside the ring,” Wilkinson said. “You don’t have a team to carry you, so it is all on you. There is more accountability for your training and what you do in life.”

The same, he said, can be said for getting in shape.

His services include a variety of levels and activities, from weight loss to training to the professional level.

“The best way to lose weight and build lean muscle is to do kickboxing and boxing exercises,” Wilkinson said.

He even works with youth, including one who made the move to the new location.

“It keeps him out of trouble,” Wilkinson e said. “It gives him a place to go after school and something constructive to do — something to look forward to, as well.”

While he trains competitors to fight in the ring, he said there is a zero-tolerance policy of violence outside of the gym.

“Anyone that trains here,” Wilkinson said, “unless it is a self-defense situation, saving the life of another individual, is a one and done.”

Training in this way, he said, helps youth from being bullied, but can also help instill the discipline that can keep someone from becoming a bully as well.

“I dealt with both sides,” Wilkinson said, “so I know what it is like on the other side.”

Stress relief

Opening the gym in the middle of a pandemic also created a unique situation, noting the gym can help relieve the stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19.

“Right now, people are telling me they are stressed, they have been in their house, they have been bugged out over the whole COVID thing, so long just cooped up,” Wilkinson said. “They need an outlet.

“To come in and naturally punch something, you feel relief, but I can teach you to do it constructively,” he said.

He hopes that as many as would like will take advantage of the location to help find relief during this stressful time.

 “I know what the benefits of this place have done for me. I just want to offer that to others in the community,” Wilkinson said.

And for those that put in an effort, the reward can be life changing he said.

“The biggest pressure here is not necessarily the self-defense, or the competing fighters is getting people moving and active again, and confident in themselves,” Wilkinson said. “When you can throw a punch right, you move different, you talk different, you walk different and not necessarily in a cocky manner, but you have faith in your abilities because you have seen it tried and done over and over and over again.”

He knows what happens when people are not active, to the point of causing depression and other mental health concerns, but getting in shape and training can help maintain a positive — and happier — lifestyle.

“If your body feels good, the rest of you feels good,” Wilkinson said.

While the opening has been a slow rollout, he said interest continues to grow, with a few new clients coming in weekly.

“He is an amazing trainer,” said Wild Style Kickboxing client Ray Bergmeier. “I am doing some private lessons and I am going to do some group, but just a lot of attention to detail and he tailors it for what you need and what you want to do, whether it’s losing weight, getting in shape or learn some kickboxing or self-defense, whatever it may be.

“His intensity is also very dynamic,” he said. “I think he can bring a lot of different levels of intensity depending upon what the client needs. I highly recommend it to anybody that wants to get in shape or try something different."

As the business grows, Wilkinson plans to continue to bring in more equipment to give the clients the ability to complete a full workout in the gym along with training.

He offers group basic classes and can offer personalize training as well.

While kickboxing, he said sometime carries the stigma of violence, but in his location, the environment is geared toward inclusivity.

“We are a family friendly environment,” Wilkinson said. “There are no egos here. Everybody is intimidated by ‘fight gym and boxing,’ but there is no tough guy s*** in here. Everybody checks their egos and attitudes at the door. We’re here to lift each other and better each other. Everybody is fighting something, when you get in here, we fight it together.”

For more information about Wild Style Kickboxing visit wildstylekb.com or follow the gym on Facebook or Instagram.