Hays Post
Hays city commissioners approved three items Thursday advancing the largest ever housing development. Prior to the votes, there was discussion of fire protection for the new neighborhood, prompted by comments from an audience member.

Hays resident Justin Choitz, a former Hays firefighter, said he is supportive of Tallgrass Addition 4 in east Hays near 22nd and Wheatland.
But he asked about coverage and response time by the Hays Fire Department to the 101-lot development and nearby 66 homes in Phases 1-3.
Hays has three fire stations.
The newest fire station opened in April 2024 in northwest Hays at 1732 W. 41st St. and serves as the department headquarters.
Fire department staff are split between the new location and the former headquarters in the downtown fire station at 1507 Main.
A third fire station is at the Hays Regional Airport and is staffed according to the commercial air flight schedule.
The Federal Aviation Administration paid for 90 percent of the structure built in 2009. It was designed to FAA standards and can be enlarged to house more fire equipment and personnel to serve the city.
Commissioner Shaun Musil asked City Manager Toby Dougherty about potential plans for hiring more firefighters in the next five years.
Dougherty said any expansion would be costly.
"We're always evaluating our needs for future public safety," Dougherty said, "but right now, we're in an ISO rating of two, which is the second-highest you can get.
"We do have limited sources. We don't have unlimited funds. But we do have lots of pots we can pull from if needed, including mutual aid agreements. We know there will be a time we need to expand east."
Another eastside housing development, The Grove, will soon be built north of HaysMed on Canterbury Drive.
Commissioners unanimously approved a rezoning request, a final plat for the 101 lots and an engineering services agreement for the land to be developed by Grow Hays/Heart of America.
Sloan Engineering and Consulting, Hays, was approved for a $249,850 contract for the engineering services.
In other business, a bid was approved to reconstruct 32nd/33rd Street from Willow to Vine, built in the early 1960s.
Vogts-Parga Construction, Moundridge, submitted the lowest bid for the project, $1.55 million, which is $245,000 under budget.
Public Works Director Jesse Rohr said the project includes removing and replacing all the concrete pavement, various areas of curb and gutter, select areas of sidewalk and curb ramps to meet ADA requirements, intersections, and some alley entrances.
The north intersection of Skyline and 33rd Street will also be widened.
A public meeting will be at 5 p.m. Tuesady, Feb. 4, in Hays City Hall to discuss the traffic phasing that will be done.
At least one lane of traffic will be open at all times, Rohr said, and drivers will be encouraged to utilize 37th Street if possible.
A construction engineering services agreement with Driggs Design Group, Hays, for $52,320 was also approved for the project.
Construction of a new drainage box is expected to start in mid-February, with the work completed by early July.
The commission also approved an annexation request from BEREXCO, LLC, the Hays branch of an independent oil and gas exploration and production company, for its 5-acre front lot property at 800A Commerce Parkway. The remainder of the lot will remain in the county.
The land is contiguous to the city and served by city utilities.
Rohr said the company would otherwise have had to invest in a new septic system.
As part of the North Vine Corridor improvements, the city of Hays ended up with a small remnant tract of property. The tract has no value to the city, and the commission authorized its transfer to Russ Pfannenstiel, the adjacent property owner of CERVS.
The following mayoral appointments were approved:
• Hays Convention and Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee, Jeremy Gill – three-year term to expire on Feb. 13, 2028 (third term)
• Hays Housing Authority Board, Jo Ann Morse – four-year term to expire Feb. 13, 2029 (first term)
• Northwest Kansas Community Corrections and Juvenile Services Governing Board, Donnette Noble – two-year term to expire Feb. 1, 2027 (first term)
Commissioners also heard monthly updates about community events in Hays and city department project reports.
Mayor Sandy Jacobs was absent from the meeting.