Apr 27, 2020

Wellbrock Presents for National Online Conference

Posted Apr 27, 2020 10:02 AM


Tammy Wellbrock might have officially left her post from the Hays Area Chamber of Commerce in July, but she remains greatly involved in the industry with her new training and coaching business — Girl Twin Solutions, LLC. Most recently, Wellbrock was asked to present for the fifth annual Chamber Pros Online Conference. She is one of 20 experts to share information with Chamber professionals nationwide.

“I met many of the other presenters when I attended conferences or trainings during my employment at the chamber,” Wellbrock said. “Not only do they know their craft extremely well, they are some of the best in the chamber world. To be part of such an elite group of professionals is such an honor for me.” 

With many training opportunities postponed or cancelled during the Covid-19 crisis, the Chamber Pros Online Conference is an opportunity for ongoing professional development covering multiple areas, including membership recruitment and retention, board organization and governance, and strategic planning and implementation. While focused mainly for the chamber industry, this training covers crucial topics for many nonprofit organizations. 

To learn more about this online conference as well as watch free training video series, visit https://bit.ly/2020ChamberProsOnlineConferenceTW.

Tammy Wellbrock founded Girl Twin Solutions, LLC to enlighten and entertain through training, coaching, facilitating, and speaking engagements. While available to any human who aspires for greater success, her biggest desire is to empower and embolden women in their own professional journey.