Apr 01, 2020

LETTER: Every reason to doubt Trump's leadership

Posted Apr 01, 2020 9:59 AM

I write this letter with a heavy heart. Make no mistake about me. I have plenty of skeletons in my closet. However, I am the fourth generation to live in this country and, yes, my ancestors were immigrants and that gives me the right to criticize the president — if he can be called that. Let's not forget more people voted against him than for him in the last election. However, he acts like everyone voted for him. If we disagree with him, he will call you a snake. If you are captured in battle, he does not think that person can be a hero. He doesn't know what the word means.

My mom, and my guess is most mothers, told us not to hang around, liars, crooks and con men. Yet 47 percent of the voters put their mark in front of his name. Why, I ask. Because they don't like gays or lesbians or transgender human beings? No. Maybe it's because they don't like the Hispanic population taking the white people's jobs. That's a joke. No, maybe it's because they don't like poor people getting food stamps. Everybody has a story about seeing a [fat] person trying to buy cigarettes, or maybe even a beer, woooo evil. Yet we subsidize the fossil fuel industry by the millions. We even pay farmers big money not to grow crops. I don't mind this so much because most of the farmers I know are hard-working people and I think it is the way the system is set up to ensure even poor people can buy food.

Trump has been in office for over three years, yet I still see his followers full of anger and hate. What is it that they want? I worked hard for the last 50 years and am close to retirement. Yet because I am a Democrat, therefore I must be evil. Yes, I am a liberal.

I believe the way my predecessors from Kansas did in circa 1863. All men should have the right to live freely and to achieve whatever their dreams are, without a boot on their neck.

I believe the government should help uplift every person in the USA especially the poor, the disenfranchised and the humans who can't take care of themselves.

For "Truly I tell you whatever you do for one of the least of my brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me." We should also encourage social change and yes even political change. If we do not change then we are destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over and get left behind. If you want justice then fight for peace. The end does not justify the means.

Why do you allow him to belittle Gold Star families, make fun of developmentally disabled people? Call our generals idiots then say he would not go into battle with any of them? Let's not forget he would not go into battle with anyone because he has bone spurs. Make fun of our military people with Purple Hearts just for doing their job. Every citizen has the right to protest peacefully, yet I did not hear from one person from the other party criticize him for calling out African Americans for kneeling at the national anthem. Just recently one of my friends told me that the blacks and Hispanics just need to get over it. Hmm, that sounds familiar. All lives matter. The Constitution works both ways, for all people.

I could really overlook most of the above with the exception of a few things. However the last few weeks have pushed me over the edge, he has pushed me too far. His entire philosophy circles around money — you got it and he wants it. Yet if you are intelligent enough you will understand that when he came into office the economy was moving great and he came on board riding on President Obama's shirttails, but that is for another day.

Seven of his cronies are either in prison or on their way. He will deny anyone who disagrees with him before the cock crows three times.

I am a soldier at heart. I am a Kansan, I am a Jayhawker and a free man. In my heart I think I understand a little about protocol, intelligence briefings [because I sat in on a few] and I recognize when the President is trying to blow smoke up my --- well, you get my meaning.

All the excuses in the world won't help him through this mess. Trump sat in on these CIA, FBI and HLS briefings in January. [Probably even before that.] But I will give him the benefit of doubt. They told him what was coming, he knew what was coming, yet he waited 'til March to really start moving. Just recently, he enacted the Defense Protection Act.

His people have been asking for it for weeks. He blamed it on the Democrats, and, believe it or not [I don't care], called it a HOAX. How can you believe that? Oh, it's OK because he is moving the economy right along. How's your 401 k doing now?

The governor of New York has been begging for weeks for PPE equipment and ventilators. He drug his feet because Cuomo is from the other side. Who does this?

All of this for what? For money. One Texan said recently he was sure the elderly would gladly give their life to see the economy start moving. You just can't fix stupid.

I am just about finished. Having witnessed the very worst humanity has to offer it stirred my soul to see my fellow human beings in Vietnam maimed, butchered and murdered. As it kills me tonight while I write this to know that many thousands of innocent people will die — all for greed or jealousy or racism or to preserve his numbers. Prison comes to mind for him. The good ole USA will speak of this time in history for generations to come.

Here is another quote from my Mother "you can't beat a liar, all you can do is give him enough rope to hang himself." I think we have done that or should I say Trump has hung himself. All the love in the world will not fix this or change what has happened. Either you are part of the problem, or you are part of the solution.

So in closing, I urge all people whether you are black or white, rich or poor, to be smart, be strong, be courageous. Be the best human being you can be. This chapter has been written and we can't change the past. However, we can change what happens next.

Linus Schamber