WAKEENEY - At Western Cooperative Electric, our goal is to keep our members, the public, and our employees safe.
To help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Western Cooperative Electric is closing the WaKeeney business office at 635 S. 13th Street to walk-in traffic through May 1, 2020, or until the threat of the virus is diminished.
During this period, we are still available by phone at 785-743-5561 during regular business hours to make payments or payment arrangements, start/stop service, report outages, request service, and answer questions.
Payments can be made by phone 24/7, mailed, placed in our drop box (no cash, or paid online with eBiz at www.westerncoop.com. Cash may be converted to a money order at the Post Office and mailed or placed in our drop box.
COVID-19 is not expected to have a significant effect on Western’s operations or the reliability of power.
Updates are available online at www.westerncoop.com and www.facebook.com/westerncoopelectric.
News Release