Hays Post
When visitors to Hays stay overnight in motels, they often have questions about what there is to do in town, where to eat, and where to fuel up their vehicles.
Front desk employees at the local lodgings have the answers, thanks to the Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Melissa Dixon, executive director, and CVB staff spent time in early January training front desk staff at the AVID Hotel and Hilton Garden Inn to familiarize them about the amenities in Hays
"She's very good at that, assisting with training hotel staff in how to understand the needs of the visitors, how to direct them to the right places and sort of showcase our community," said City Manager Toby Dougherty in a KAYS Radio interview with Hays Post.
"Hopefully, it keeps them coming back and keeps them happy while they're here. It's good for us and it's good for the hotels if they get repeat clients."
During last week's city commission work session, Dixon shared highlights of CVB activities in 2022, the department's 40th anniversary.
Last year, CVB distributed 75,000 visitors guides and provided 6,906 welcome packets for event attendees in Hays.
The estimated economic impact of overnight guests in Hays during 2002 was $43.1 million, according to Dixon.
Deputy City Manager Collin Bielser presented other projects during the most recent progress report for city departments.
Sunrise Rotary Club donated $6,900 to the city for improvements to the Ekey Park ballfield, 19th and Holmes.
The project is underway by the parks department and will include a new backstop, bases, bench, and red infield dirt salvaged from the artificial turf project at the Bickle-Schmidt Sports Complex.
And the city bison herd in Frontier Park now have their own shade shelter.
It was constructed in the south-central portion of the pasture by parks department employees and is expected to provide improved viewing conditions for visitors.
Workers used salvaged telephone poles, steel siding, and roofing materials were used in the structure.
Click the video below for the full progress report.
(Video by Becky Kiser/Hays Post)