Hays Post
All three incumbents running for Hays city commission were re-elected Tuesday.
Top vote-getter with 31 percent of the ballots was Mason Ruder, who will serve a four-year term.
"I was shocked," Ruder said in an interview Tuesday after the ballots were tabulated in the Ellis County Administrative Center, 718 Main.
"It's so important people get out and vote because a lot of the decisions we make here affect [residents] almost immediately.
"For the people to have faith in me, they think we're on the right track," he said. "Let's keep growing Hays. We have a lot of work to do."

Alaina Cunningham received 27 percent of the vote. She was appointed by the other city commissioners to fill the unexpired term of Michael Berges, who was elected to the Ellis County Commission.
"Truly honored to be chosen by the voters," Cunningham said. "I've been humbled throughout this entire campaign process just by the amount of support I've received.
"I'm looking forward to keep bettering our community and to keep doing good for Hays as a whole."

Reese Barrick, coming in third with 19 percent of the vote, will serve another two-year term.
He said he's "learned a lot the past two years and I'm really interested in the issue of continuing to get water from the R-9 Ranch to Hays and continuing the work on expanding housing."
Also running for Hays City Commission were Kelly Ancar, 16 percent, and Diana Pantle, 7 percent.
The election results are unofficial until canvassed by the Ellis County Commission Tuesday morning.