The Courtney-Spalding Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution has established a garden at the Kansas Veterans’ Cemetery in WaKeeney.
NSDAR is partnering with the Society of the Honor Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to commemorate its centennial this year. The WaKeeney Garden is in honor of that commemoration.
The Garden is located on the east and west sides of the wall near the parking area and includes a plaque designating the space a “Never Forget” Garden.
“It’s an area we haven’t done much with,” Cemetery Manager Heidi Goff said. “It’s a very visible spot, so it’s a nice addition.”
Courtney-Spalding received grants of $1,000 from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation and $500 from the Midwest Energy Community Fund to help fund the Garden. Some chapter members also contributed to the project.
Matt Jacobs Landscaping and Lawn, LLC, installed the plants, which include lilacs, maiden grass, double knockout roses and Rose of Sharon.
The Courtney-Spalding Chapter plans to hold a dedication ceremony at a later date.
— Submitted