It is that time of year again– election season.
Kansas is a beautiful state–full of wonderful places to explore and people to meet. But during election season it is easy to become distracted and forget the good that is in front of us. Endless negativity can cause us to forget that we have much to be proud of.
Our right to vote should be a point of pride. Kansas' voting process has a time-honored reputation for working together to hold safe and secure elections. Every individual vote matters here. Together, this is how we declare our values and shape our future.
This year, we have the opportunity to select judicial, executive and legislative candidates: representatives for state legislature, state school board, county commission, judges and many other important positions. All statewide officeholders, U.S. Senate and Congress, and amendments to alter Kansas’ Constitution are also on the ballot. All of these choices determine whether or not our communities will be stronger and healthier.
It is up to us to decide what matters most as we cast our ballots. I suggest you think about local impact as you choose leaders. It is always important to work together to magnify the strength of our neighborhoods and create connections. This is especially true in the voting booth.
Do not let the political rhetoric of some persuade you that we cannot find our way forward. We need representation that shares our best Kansas’ qualities: leaders that work hard, know their neighbors and pitch in to help as needed. Look for people you would enjoy chatting with in local coffee shops or grocery stores. Find candidates that take your phone calls and listen to your concerns, rather than promoting themselves and their positions.
In the polling booth, make sure your vote builds connections. Elect leaders that care about you and your community.
Cast your vote by November 8. You can request a ballot be mailed to you so that you can return it by mail or drop it in a ballot drop off box, vote in person at an early voting site, or vote at your designated polling place on November 8. Use one of the many options to get it done.
Remember to vote and make election season something to take pride in once again.
Kris Rogers
Kris Rogers has been a leader in Democratic politics and an educator in her professional career. She is the wife of State Treasurer Lynn Rogers.