May 12, 2022

As one Ellis Co. school bond election ends, another campaign begins

Posted May 12, 2022 11:01 AM
Ellis USD 388 Board of Education members Dean Gottschalk and Randy Honas
Ellis USD 388 Board of Education members Dean Gottschalk and Randy Honas

Ellis USD 388 Board of Education approves calling for $4.55 million bond election in September

Hays Post

ELLIS — Two years after work began, the Ellis USD 388 Board of Education Monday night approved the calling of a bond election.

On Sept. 8 voters within the USD 388 school district will decide a $4.55 million bond issue that would be used to “construct, equip and furnish renovations, improvements and additions to Ellis High School/Junior High, including science lab renovations, secure entry improvements, and roof replacement,” according to the resolution to call for a bond election.

The measure would also “construct, equip and furnish renovations and improvements to the Washington Elementary School building, including HVAC replacement, electrical service upgrades, flooring replacement, painting, and roof replacement” and other “necessary appurtenant improvements.”

The vote is just the latest action in a process that began in February 2020, just as the pandemic was beginning to affect the area.

A survey at that time indicated a significant majority would support a bond as high as $4 million. Nearly half of the respondents supported a bond up to $5 million.

But with economic uncertainty on the horizon, the board decided it was prudent to pause the effort.

Then as conversations began about the bond issue ramped up again in the fall, a spring election looked possible until the decision was put on hold as the board awaited the outcome of proposed legislation in the Kansas Legislature.

Had the legislation passed, the district would have been eligible for up to 20 percent matching funds from the state.

The legislation failed to move out of committee, and so in April, the board decided to once again take up the bond resolution.

At Monday’s regular board meeting, the body once again took up the measure and, with little discussion, moved to a vote.

USD 388  superintendent Corey Burton.
USD 388  superintendent Corey Burton.

“You guys have seen the project list,” said Superintendent Corey Burton. He said it had been tweaked to reflect uncertainty in materials pricing, but closely reflected what a majority of residents had previously said they would support.

“Keeping to the basics,” he said. “I think that is what we’ve heard over the years is keep it to the basics and we’ll support you.”

“It’s going to get us the things we need as a school district,” he continued. “So, I believe we can get the process going.”

Board member Jared Schiel then presented a motion to accept the resolution as presented, board member Dean Gottschalk offered a second and with the full board present, the measure was passed unanimously.