Feb 15, 2023

Great Bend Rec excited to reveal Brit Spaugh Park improvements

Posted Feb 15, 2023 1:18 PM
South side of Brit Spaugh in Great Bend
South side of Brit Spaugh in Great Bend

Great Bend Post

Lights have been selected for the walking path at Veterans Memorial Park. Automatic locks were installed at Vets Park to allow access to restrooms year round. A kayak/canoe launcher was installed at Stone Lake. A number of projects have already been completed or are in the works from Great Bend’s “quality of life” sales tax. Further execution of the master plan will be discussed after next Tuesday’s Great Bend City Council meeting.

Great Bend Recreation Commission Executive Director Chris Umphres said he will help facilitate the conversation on the future improvements to the Brit Spaugh Park project. Rec Board member Randy Goering was pleased to see the momentum for the improvements.

"It's good to see some action," said Goering. "I was a little concerned that things might slow down with Kendal's (Kendal Francis, former Great Bend City Administrator) departure. What I'm hearing through the media is that the quality of life committee is moving forward."

The Rec Commission has considered assisting with the addition of a basketball court, pickleball courts and a mini soccer pitch on the south side of Brit Spaugh Park.

Other projects listed on the 10-year master plan include dog park improvements, splash pad, shooting range, fish habitat at local lakes, paintball course, zoo upgrades, skate park repairs and extending the walk/bike path.

The city council meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21 begins at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. The work session will begin shortly after the conclusion of the meeting.