WAKEENEY — On a breezy, Arctic cold Sunday morning, January 29th, Bishop Gerald Vincke, Pastor Charles Steier, Father Francis Coady, Father Basil Torrez, Father Daniel Scheetz, Father Richard Daise, Father Richard Bayuk, Father Norbert Dlabal, and approximately 240 parishioners gathered in Christ the King Parish Center, to begin the Dedication Ceremony of Christ the King Catholic Church in WaKeeney.
The ceremony began with Mary Jo Clevenger, Pastoral Council member, presenting Bishop Vincke with the building plans. The bishop then joyfully announced that the faithful were gathered to participate in this sacred rite with sacred devotion. The procession of all those present began with his words, “We now go to enter the doors of the church.”
The parishioners of Christ the King Church had eagerly awaited this day for the past nine-months, as Masses were temporarily celebrated in the parish center during construction. There was tremendous support for this project with 142 individuals, families and organizations that contributed. The rebuilding of the church began Holy Week of 2022.
There was a large scope of work in the church that included some much-needed repairs to electrical, new energy efficient LED lighting, new furnace and HVAC, and insulation in the church walls. The church was re-painted and additional stencils were added to the existing stencils: Crown of Christ the King above the Crucifix, Crown of Thorns, Nails forming Cross, Symbols of 4 Evangelists near Ambo and stenciling on columns taken from the altar appointments. The altar area was leveled, porcelain ceramic tile throughout church, new outside doors with one handicap accessible door, new stone Altar, Ambo, Baptismal Font, and Tabernacle pedestal. Other items donated included: processional candles and cross, stationary candles, paschal candle stand, censer stand, holy water bucket, 2 vases, sanctuary light, holy water bowl, twin furnaces sacristy, church sign, and water softener.
Bishop Vincke began his homily by stating, “This Church is really beautiful, but really it is much more beautiful because you are here. You are the Church. You are the temple of God.” He also gave examples that Christ the King Parish was able to be Christ to their community. In the early years of the parish, Bethlehem Lutheran Church allowed the Catholics to celebrate Mass in their Church basement until the Church was built in 1951. In 1968, the Bethlehem Lutheran Church burned in a fire, and Christ the King parish returned their kindness by allowing them to hold their services in the Church basement.
There were many parts of the celebration that were moving, but the blessing of the new stone Altar was undeniably the most sacred of traditions. The Bishop stated the importance of the Altar, “The Altar is sacred, nothing else can happen on the Altar, except the sacrifice of Christ.” Christ made holy the table where the community come to celebrate the Passover. Therefore, the altar is the table for a sacrifice and for a banquet. At this table the priest, representing Christ the Lord, accomplishes what the Lord himself did and what he handed on to his disciples to do in his memory.
First, the Bishop sprinkled holy water on the altar. Secondly, he poured Holy Chrism on the altar, formed in a cross, then rubbed it into the stone altar. Next, the Bishop went to all of the pillars, making a sign of the cross on each with the Chrism, blessing the walls of the Church. He returned to the Altar, where he placed incense on the altar and Parishioners carried the incense down the aisles to the walls. Next, the altar was draped by Parishioners with the white garment representing baptism. Bishop Vincke blessed the light and gave it to Fr. Charles Steier to light the Altar candles. Finally, the last step in this dedication, Fr. Steier and a Parishioner went forth to light the wall candles. The Church is a sacred place where God’s children enter the doors to become one with God through the Sacraments for eternal life.
Following the Dedication Mass, Fr. Charles Steier had the opportunity to address his parishioners. “Thank you, my brothers and sisters for your tremendous support, without you this would not be possible.”, Father Steier stated. He continued, “In my nine and half years, we did close to $1.8 million in building and fixing, and we only owe $100,000 after this. Thank you for your commitment and generosity. Truly, we are the Church.” Fr. Steier also took the opportunity to thank Father Francis Coady for his work as Liturgical Consultant for the project. In 2016, a new Parish Center (Hall and Offices) and new parking were built. Other projects completed was refurbishing of the stained-glass windows, stations of the cross, statues of the Blessed Mother, St Joseph, Christ the King, and the Corpus on the Cross in 2017, bathroom remodel, and an extensive remodel of the parish rectory in 2018. Roofs on the CCD building, Rectory, Church, and new Parish Center were replaced after a storm in 2017. Bishop Vincke offered his appreciation for the hard work and dedication of Fr. Steier, “It takes someone very unique to weather the storms, the ups and downs. It takes someone with courage to persevere. Thank you, Father Charlie, for your vision. Thank you and congratulations.” Fr Charles Steier led and contributed to two other large projects during his Vocation. He was Pastor of St Bernard’s Catholic Church in Ellsworth during the remodeling of the church, which included an added transept and gathering space that connected the church to the parish hall in 1991. Fr. Steier also led the building of the beautiful new Saint Mary, Queen of Angels Church in Russell. It included a parish center, which included 13 classrooms. The Church was dedicated in 2007.
“In all likelihood this probably will be the only dedication Mass you will ever attend. These are rare. This is a special day" shared Bishop Vincke. The parishioners of Christ the King Catholic Church agreed. The Dedication was a unique, beautiful experience that will not be forgotten by the young and old who attended. This was truly a labor of love. A celebration. Each left with a grateful heart and a renewal of their Faith.
Sara Dunn contributed to this report.