FHSU University Relations
Despite the threat of inclement weather, hundreds of people turned out on the FHSU campus for the 19th annual John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days (SACAD) on May 1. The event was created in 2005 to allow university faculty, staff, and students to share their scholarly and creative work. Since the initial in-person event, SACAD has grown to include in-person and online presentations as well as presentations of creative works. Changes to this year’s venue included expanding the presentations to multiple campus locations to better display the impressive array of projects and posters.
One new addition this year, hosted within the Center for Applied Technology building, students and faculty demonstrated some of their latest innovations. While displaying creative works is not new, this year’s use of the Schmidt Foundation Center for Art and Design provided the space necessary to include over 200 submissions from Art and Design, more than double the previous year.
The traditional poster presentations also saw significant growth this year, with 110 in-person poster submissions and 31 online. Posters were available for viewing all day in the FHSU Memorial Union, which also housed a new Meet-the-Author event, with nine local authors discussing their latest works.
While weather may have been a factor in limiting yard games on the Quad, many enjoyed the addition of ten musical performances throughout the event.
This year included a People’s Choice Award for both scholarly and creative works. The two winners were:
• Rylie Hazelton: Growth through reflection (ceramics)—People’s Choice Award winner for the art and creative works display. Linda Ganstrom was the faculty mentor.
• Cally Anderson, Marisol Banda, & Katie Hale: An exploratory study on the use of artificial intelligence for tourism marketing in the Midwest—People’s Choice Award winners for the academic poster display. Stacey Smith was the faculty mentor.
“These working behind the scenes of the 19th annual John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days (SACAD) believe we had a successful year, especially given the newly piloted open house format,” said Dr. April Terry, associate professor of criminal justice and Scholarship Environment Committee (SEC) Event Coordinator. “While we have received suggestions, I have personally received many positive emails/calls/in-person conversations, including feedback that this SACAD was our best showcase yet.”
Terry admits that the 20th annual SACAD is likely to look different as the event continues to evolve but believes this year provided innovative opportunities to showcase the work of FHSU faculty, staff, and students. So, mark your calendars for April 24, 2025, for the next SACAD.
About John Heinrichs
The FHSU Scholarly and Creative Activities Day is named in honor of the late Dr. John F. Heinrichs (1957-2014). A popular Geosciences professor, an internationally renowned Arctic researcher, and an esteemed colleague, Dr. Heinrichs had a tremendous impact on Fort Hays State University. He was a key supporter of faculty and student research, and his efforts were largely responsible for launching Research and Creative Activities Week, now known as John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activities Day, in his honor.