Aug 12, 2022

Recent Great Bend grad completes large mural in Atwood

Posted Aug 12, 2022 10:45 AM
Anna Popp, Great Bend High School graduate, completed this buffalo mural this summer in Atwood.
Anna Popp, Great Bend High School graduate, completed this buffalo mural this summer in Atwood.

Great Bend Post

Ever since Anna Popp was a young child, she loved drawing. When she entered Great Bend High School she did not believe art could ever be a career.

“I eventually realized art was the only thing I enjoyed, as far as a job,” said Popp. “I started to pursue it, and I’ve been really surprised at how many opportunities I’ve had. It’s been cool seeing it go from a dream to a reality.”

Popp graduated from GBHS in 2021 and will be entering her second year at the University of Kansas this fall where she is studying visual arts.

Popp received one of those opportunities to showcase her talents on a large platform when she was asked to paint a mural in western Kansas.

“My aunt runs the youth center in Atwood, Kansas in Rawlins County,” said Popp. “They’ve been looking for someone to paint a mural for the longest time. It’s hard to get people to come out to those rural areas, so she contacted me.”

The youth center wall in Atwood prior to Popp's mural.
The youth center wall in Atwood prior to Popp's mural.

5ten Main, the youth center in Atwood, under the guidance of the Main St. Foundation, offered Popp an internship this summer. Main St. Foundation provides a place for junior and senior high school students to hang out, work on homework, and receive tutoring and specialized classes.

Popp’s internship largely focused on painting a side of the foundation building that was approximately 55 feet long and 12 feet tall.

“The mascot for the high school in Rawlins County is the buffalo,” said Popp. “With the youth center for kids in middle school and high school, my aunt wanted the mural centered on buffalo.”

With no design, Popp began the project in May.

“Buffaloes are really cool animals, but they’re boring brown colors,” said Popp. “I ended up using highlights of yellows and oranges. I made the shadows blues and purples. It made it super bright and fun.”

Anna enjoyed working with another artist on the mural. Atwood native Sophie Ginther helped with the detail work of the project.

“It’s so different painting a mural,” said Popp. “With a paper, you can see the whole picture in front of you, and it’s easy to see proportion. On the mural, I was painting a buffalo nose that was as big as my face. There was a lot of doing sketches, standing back and seeing proportions. It took a while in the beginning getting the proportions right.”

Anna Popp stops painting to pose by the large mural in Atwood.
Anna Popp stops painting to pose by the large mural in Atwood.

Popp said growing up, painting a mural was a dream and was pleased she was able to complete one this early in her life. Popp has now been asked by a few more organizations in western Kansas to paint murals.

“This buffalo mural is probably my favorite piece of art I’ve done because I’ve put the most time into this,” said Popp. “I feel like a small piece is cool, especially if you can put a lot of detail into it. But there’s something about seeing a huge piece of art in front of you…just takes your breath away.”

The Rawlins County mural is a nice addition to Anna’s portfolio and she plans to go into her sophomore year at KU with open arms.

“I’m going to see what I get out of my classes,” added Popp. “I would love to follow through with one of those mural opportunities next summer. We’ll just see where life takes me.”