May 22, 2024

Outdoor watering restrictions to start soon in Hays

Posted May 22, 2024 9:45 AM
Photo by Unsplash
Photo by Unsplash

Hays Post

Outdoor watering restrictions in Hays will go into effect for the summer beginning Sat., June 1.

Watering of lawns and other vegetation from private wells and by city customers is prohibited between noon and seven p.m. through Sept. 30.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources issues the order each year at the request of the City of Hays.

"By restricting outdoor water use, including the watering of landscapes and gardens, unnecessary water loss due to wind and evaporation can be reduced, thus conserving the resource for more efficient use," said Holly Dickman, water conservation specialist.

The city also prohibits wasting water  year-round by:

• Washing down sidewalks, parking lots, and driveways
• Known loss of water through breaks or leaks in plumbing systems
• Escape of water from private property onto public property such as sidewalks or into the street from landscape irrigation

Residents who violate the water ordinances can be fined, said Lt. Brandon Wright, Hays police officer.

"Most people who've lived here awhile know Hays does not sit on a water supply. ... Depending on the rainfall we get in a given year, our water resources can run low, so we do have some restrictions on water."

The first violation is a warning, the second is $50, the third is $200, and the fourth violation is $250.

U.S. Drought Monitor
U.S. Drought Monitor

As of May 14, Ellis County remains in drought conditions ranging from abnormally dry to severe, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Despite recent light rains, the city of Hays is more than three inches below average moisture for the year, according to official records at the K-State Agricultural Research Center south of town. 

Information about water conservation and rebate programs in Hays is available on the city's Department of Water Resources website at