Aug 09, 2024

Divine Mercy Radio to celebrate 14th Annual Appreciation Banquet

Posted Aug 09, 2024 9:45 AM


– Divine Mercy Radio is gearing up for their 14th Annual Appreciation Banquet to be held in Hays Sept. 7 and in Colby Sept. 8. The entertaining and informative Joe Heschmeyer, a staff apologist for Catholic Answers Live, will be the featured speaker. Catholic Answers Live airs from 5 to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday on Divine Mercy Radio.

In addition to being an apologist, Heschmeyer is an author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster. He earned a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center and a philosophy degree from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, as well as a theology degree from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Heschmeyer currently lives with his wife and children in the Kansas City area.

The title of his talk in Hays will be “Pope Peter” while his talk in Colby will be titled “What’s the Big Deal about Mary?”

The banquet in Hays will begin with a social hour at 6 p.m., followed by a meal and program. It will be held at the Rose Garden Banquet Hall, 2350 E. 8th St.

In Colby, the banquet will also begin with a social hour at 5 p.m., followed by a meal and program. It will be held in the City Limits Convention Center, 2227 S. Range Avenue.

Tickets are $55 if ordered on or before Aug. 18. After that date, the price goes up to $60. No tickets can be sold after Sept. 1. Tickets can be purchased by sending a check to: Appreciation Banquet, Divine Mercy Radio, 108 E. 12th St., Hays, KS 67601 or by calling (785) 621-4110. Tickets can also be purchased online at Please state which banquet you will be attending, Hays or Colby. For more information, as well as the menu, go to and click on the banquet tab.

Divine Mercy Radio began in 2010 with 88.1, KVDM, Hays. Five years later they expended to 88.1, KRTT, Great Bend. Then, in 2020, 101.7 KJDM, Lindsborg/Salina went on the air as well as 105.7, KMDG, Hays. The original station, KVDM in Hays, began airing Catholic classic radio. In 2023, the fifth Divine Mercy Radio station went on the air – 89.1, KGOH in Colby. Soon, the 105.7 KMDG, Hays station will begin broadcasting via a translator station on a frequency of 107.3 in the Hill City area. Divine Mercy Radio is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization relying on the generosity of its listeners as well as business underwriters.