MANHATTAN — The Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Conservation is pleased to announce the availability of funds in the form of cost share assistance and incentive payments to assist landowners with irrigation efficiency technology. The funding is provided through appropriation from the State Water Plan Fund and the program is administered by conservation districts across the state.
This initiative is designed to promote irrigation efficiency by providing cost share assistance to landowners for automated mobile drip irrigation systems, autonomous pivot systems, water meter monitoring software subscriptions, bubbler nozzle packages, and remote monitoring systems (soil moisture probes included as part of system).
Eligible projects must be located within Kansas groundwater management districts 1 through 5. Applications are currently being accepted, and projects will be approved beginning on November 1, 2023, until all funds have been allocated. Equipment purchases and subscriptions made before application approval are not eligible for this initiative.
Applications for this irrigation technology cost share funding must be made through local conservation districts.
For application assistance and details about funding eligibility, along with more information concerning other available services, please contact your local conservation district office. A directory of Conservation Districts can be found at agriculture.ks.gov/ConservationDistricts.