“Shape up your plate” is a great slogan for what I want to visit about today. With summer just around the corner it is the perfect time for you and your family to focus on a few healthy eating habits! Hopefully farmers markets can soon provide the colorful produce that tastes so good when it is in season and locally grown.
The MyPlate healthy eating icon has been around for ten plus years now. Simply put, the MyPlate guide to healthy eating promotes making half of your plate fruits and vegetables. A generous portion of grain, (preferably whole), a small amount of lean protein, and a serving of low fat dairy round out the plan. Oh, and did I mention that the plate we eat off of is supposed to be nine inches in diameter?
Another simple healthy eating habit includes starting each day with a powerful, nutrient dense breakfast. Our grandparents knew this was important, our parents knew this was important, and somewhere along the way we lost this information in the fast pace lives we lead. Studies show that people who eat a solid, healthy, balanced breakfast are healthier, have fewer cravings throughout their day and make wiser food choices.
A couple of nutrition educational programs to provide a healthy interpretation of the MyPlate guidelines are scheduled during the month of May. The program, “More Plants on the Plate” will be presented twice on Wednesday, May 11th. Join me at the Great Bend Senior Center at 10:30 AM or at noon at the Great Bend Activity Center, 2715 18th St. The information will be the same at both locations. The fact sheet I will be sharing includes a lot of great information about increasing fiber and eating less processed food. I’ll have a few recipes to share as well.
Another opportunity to learn about how good nutrition can affect one’s health is a program titled, “Make a Med DASH to a Healthy Heart.” This educational program is set for Thursday, May 26th, at noon at the Extension office meeting room, 601 Main, in Hays. I am combining this program with the Walk KS celebration on the 26th. I will be providing a light lunch for anyone who calls in by May 20th to reserve a spot.
Mark your calendars for one or both of these educational programs and make healthy eating a priority during the months ahead!
Donna Krug is the District Director and Family & Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research and Extension – Cottonwood District. You may reach her at 620-793-1910 or [email protected]