Oct 23, 2023

Hays USD 489 BOE candidate: Derek Yarmer

Posted Oct 23, 2023 9:45 AM

The Hays Post sent questionnaires to all the candidates who are running for seats on the Hays USD 489 school board.

Candidates on the ballot include David Clingan, James Feyerherm, Jayme Goetz, Lori Hertel, Craig Pallister, Allen Park, Ruth Ruder, Duff Watson, Dennis Wilkie and Derek Yarmer.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

To find your polling location, click here.

Derek Yarmer

Age: 39 years old
Occupation: ER doctor
Incumbent: No

Do you have children or grandchildren who attend(ed) Hays USD 489 schools? 

Yes, I have children in the USD 489 district.

Read more biographic information here.

If you had one thing you could change about the USD 489 school district, what would it be? 

 Honestly, your next several questions essentially cover what I would want to change about the district. There are a lot of great things going on within the district. The most obvious big change being breaking ground on the high school and Roosevelt. I think we have great teachers and my kids really enjoy going to school. New facilities will help make the classrooms more functional. I want to help make sure that the Hays residents get the new schools they were promised at the price they were promised.

What is your opinion of the current school board? Do you think you could compromise with the incumbents who will remain on the board? 

I don’t know any of the school board members personally, but the few interactions I’ve had with them were positive. I believe the board is divided and falling short of its goals of transparency and its duty of oversight. You can feel the tension between board members as well as between board members and administrators at meetings. I recommend people watch past school board meetings on YouTube to form their own opinions. If elected to the board, I would work to find common ground to build a respectful relationship with the incumbents and new board members. I would ask that all school board meetings be broadcast. I’m disappointed the vote to approve the Nabholz contract for over $100 million was passed at a special meeting which the board declined to broadcast. I would also ask that the agendas be released at least a week in advance and that board members can add agenda items easily. I think that the current board members are good people. If we sit down, agree the board is here to help the students, staff, and be good stewards of the district funds we can form a cohesive and effective school board.

What is your opinion of the Hays USD 489 administration?  

Again, I don’t know any of the school administrators personally and have not had any direct interaction with members of the administration. I have no personal animosity but since the question was asked about my opinion of the administration, I feel like I have to give an honest assessment. My perception from attending open board meetings is that there is room for improvement in transparency and communication between the administration and the school board. As a private citizen, I feel like after the bond passed the public and school board have been shut out of the decision-making process. Board member Vajnar had to ask several times in order to get copies of the plans for the new high school. I also feel like members of the administration become confrontational and defensive when administrative decisions are questioned. Again, I urge the public to watch prior meetings to view the interactions and make their own opinions. I believe that respectful dialogue is necessary to help move the school district forward.

What do you think the board’s role should be in the day-to-day operations of the district? 

I believe that the school board is responsible to provide oversight of the district regarding the broad goals of the district, how money is spent, and what students are taught. The school board members are the only elected individuals of the school district and their election essentially represents the only way that citizens can make changes to the district. The board must balance the needs of the students, teachers and staff with the needs of the public. I don’t think the school board should be directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the school district. It is the administration's job to manage the daily functions of the district. This is why it is essential that the school board and administration have a strong and cordial relationship with trust so that things can run smoothly.

What role do you think the board should have moving forward with the bond issue projects? 

Building the new high school and renovating the existing schools is exciting for students, staff and the community. I am all for better facilities as long as we go about it the right way. I have seen my taxes go up the same as other voters. Increased taxes in addition to the increased costs of food and services are affecting family budgets. It is very important that moving forward with construction on such a large project that we watch the costs very closely. I believe that it is ultimately the absolute responsibility of the school board to make sure that the project comes in on budget. The bond issue was sold to the public that the maximum price for the project is $143.5 million and I think that the school board needs to make sure we do not go over this number and the school structures are what was promised to the community. This is going to take cooperation between the board and administration with open dialogue and frequent discussions throughout the construction process. I believe we can accomplish this but it will require electing board members who are fiscally responsible.

Have you received money or in-kind donations from individuals, businesses, groups or PACs outside of the school district?

My campaign is 100 percent personally financed.