Mar 07, 2023

Bluegrass music to kick-off ‘Fridays on Forest’ in Great Bend

Posted Mar 07, 2023 1:27 PM

Great Bend Post

The third year of Friday celebrations in downtown Great Bend will start with extra excitement in April as the Lovegrass Music Festival Association will introduce the area to three bluegrass bands.

Great Bend Alive, the downtown arm of Great Bend Economic Development, introduced “Fridays on Forest” as a way to bring entertainment, food and drinks outdoors along Forest Avenue. Economic Development Communications Director Lee Ann June said having a big show from Lovegrass Music Festival is a great way to kickoff the Friday events on April 28.

"It was Lovegrass that reached out to us," said June. "They saw what we were doing and reached out at the end of last year. This could be a forum for them to bring bluegrass out to Great Bend."

Lovegrass puts on a three-day music festival at Lake Wilson State Park in August, and will bring three bands to Great Bend, including Gravel Yard, Brook Blanche Band and Old Fangled.

In addition to music, attendees can enjoy food and alcohol sold on Forest Avenue between Main and Williams.

"What was wonderful was we sold all of our sponsorships before the end of the year," said June. "I think Great Bend gets what's going on. They want to be part of it."

The alleyway between Forest and Lakin Avenue is also included in the consumption district between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on the final Friday from April to October.