TOPEKA - The Kansas Department of Transportation announces approved bids for state highway construction and maintenance projects. The letting took place May 24, 2023, in Topeka. Some of the bids may include multiple projects that have been bundled based on proximity and type of work.
District One — Northeast
Douglas ‑ 24‑23 KA‑6282‑01 ‑ U.S. 24/U.S. 40/U.S. 59, intersection located north of Lawrence, lighting, J Warren Company Inc., Topeka, Kansas, $240,763.00.
Douglas ‑ 40‑23 KA‑2841‑02 – U.S. 40, (6th Street)/K‑10 interchange at Lawrence, interchange/s, Kings Construction Co. Inc., Oskaloosa, Kansas, $14,017,220.08.
Osage ‑ 75‑70 KA‑6736‑01 – U.S. 75, four bridges – the locations are - over Frog Creek 0.6 mile north of the Coffey County line, 1 mile north of the Coffey County line, 2.1 miles north of the Coffey County line and 3 miles north of the Coffey County line, bridge repair, Wildcat Construction Co. Inc. & Subsidiaries, $937,415.50
Shawnee ‑ 89 TE‑0505‑03 – Topeka, on Tyler Street from Paramore Street to Lyman Road, and Waddell Street, from Tyler Street to Soldier Creek, pedestrian and bicycle paths, 0.9 mile, Kansas Heavy Construction LLC, Shawnee, Kansas, $415,272.50.
Wabaunsee ‑ 99 KA‑6943‑01 – Former K-99, 0.8 mile of roadway, milling and overlay, Shilling Construction Co. Inc., Manhattan, Kansas, $185,448.00.
District Two — North Central
Saline ‑ 70‑85 KA‑6893‑01 – I-70, high mast light tower #085L0052 located at westbound I‑70 rest area ramp near North Amos Road, lighting, Phillips Southern Electric Company Inc., Wichita, Kansas, $89,217.00.
District Three — Northwest
Logan ‑ 83‑55 KA‑6714‑01 – U.S. 83, from the west U.S. 40/U.S. 83 junction north to the Thomas/Logan county line, milling and overlay, 1 mile, McCormick Excavation & Paving LLC, Stratton, Colorado, $388,869.37.
Thomas ‑ 83‑97 KA‑6713‑01 – U.S. 83, from the Logan/Thomas county line north 10 miles to end of 10-foot shoulders, milling and overlay, 10 miles, McCormick Excavation & Paving LLC, Stratton, Colorado, $2,669,024.16
Statewide ‑ 106 KA‑6919‑01 ‑ Multiple locations in District Three - Sherman, Wallace, Thomas, Decatur, Norton and Phillips counties, milling, Dustrol Inc., Towanda, Kansas, $21,127.50.
District Five — South Central
Cowley ‑ 166‑18 KA‑6917‑01 – U.S. 166, from the U.S. 166/U.S. 77 junction east to the Cowley/Chautauqua county line, pavement marking, 28.4 miles, Cillessen and Sons Inc., Kechi, Kansas, $396,993.11
Harvey ‑ 135‑40 KA‑6731‑01 ‑ I‑135, bridge located 1 mile north of the K‑196/I‑135 junction, bridge repair, Wildcat Construction Co. Inc. & Subsidiaries, Wichita, Kansas, $94,432.25.
Reno ‑ 61‑78 KA‑6911‑01 ‑ K‑61, bridge over Medora Road located 1 mile north of South Dean Road, milling and overlay, 0.1 mile, APAC-Kansas Inc. Shears Division, Hutchinson, Kansas, $173,283.00.
Sumner ‑ 160‑96 KA‑3888‑01 ‑ U.S. 160, bridge over Hargis Creek located 0.3 mile east of the east U.S. 81 junction, bridge replacement, Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co. Inc., Wichita, Kansas, $3,564,404.00
District Six — Southwest
Clark ‑ 160‑13 KA‑6362‑01 – U.S. 160, pedestrian ramp and crosswalks in the city of Ashland, special, 1.4 miles, L & M Contractors Inc., Great Bend, Kansas, $189,924.20
Ford ‑ 34‑29 KA‑6920‑01 ‑ K‑34, from the west K‑34/U.S. 54 junction north to the U.S. 400/K‑34 junction, sealing, 3.6 miles, Heft and Sons LLC, Greensburg, Kansas, $198,440.50.
Statewide ‑ 106 KA‑6268‑01 – K‑23, U.S. 54, K‑98 and U.S. 160 in Meade, Clark and Gray counties, signing, Signs Up LTD DBA Haren's Trees and Critters, Webster City, Iowa, $408,274.34
The following projects have been approved from the April 19, 2023, letting.
Sedgwick ‑ 87 N‑0738‑01 ‑ West Zoo Boulevard bridge over M.S. Mitch Mitchell Floodway in Wichita, bridge repair, 0.1 mile, Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co. Inc., Wichita, Kansas, $2,706,804.50
Cherokee ‑ 69‑11 KA‑6619‑01 ‑ U.S. 69, from the U.S. 160/U.S. 400 junction north to the Crawford/Cherokee county line, milling and overlay, 11.1 miles, Emery Sapp & Sons Inc. and Subsidiaries, Columbia, Missouri, $3,366,982.10.
Coffey ‑ 16 C‑5074‑01 ‑ Bridge, located 0.6 mile north and 3.5 miles west of Waverly over tributary to Sand Creek, bridge replacement, 0.1 mile, Reece Construction Company, Inc., Salina, Kansas, $586,530.69.
Cherokee ‑ 400‑11 KA‑6620‑01 ‑ U.S. 400, from Riverton roundabout north to the U.S. 160/U.S. 69/U.S. 400 junction, milling and overlay, 7.3 miles, Emery Sapp & Sons Inc. and Subsidiaries, Columbia, Missouri, $2,411,268.51.
Ellsworth ‑ 27 TE‑0492‑01 ‑ Locations on west side of K‑14 from Grace Lane to Smoky Hill River bridge, pedestrian and bicycle paths, 0.5 mile, Reece Construction Company, Inc., Salina, Kansas, $738,189.51
Franklin ‑ 30 C‑5114‑01 ‑ Bridge, located northwest of Ottawa over Eight Mile Creek, bridge replacement, 0.2 mile, Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co. Inc., Wichita, Kansas, $1,192,988.60.