Jul 01, 2022

Marshall on Supreme Court's blow to the Green New Deal

Posted Jul 01, 2022 6:00 PM

Washington– U.S. Senator Roger Marshall is responding to Thursday's  U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

In the ruling, described as a blow to the fight against climate change, the Supreme Court has limited how the nation’s main anti-air pollution law can be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

By a 6-3 vote Thursday, with conservatives in the majority, the court said that the Clean Air Act does not give the Environmental Protection Agency broad authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that contribute to global warming.

“The United States Supreme Court reaffirmed that the EPA cannot bypass Congress and enforce a climate agenda that cannot succeed legislatively, like it did for the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan.” said Senator Marshall in a statement from his office.

“Unelected bureaucrats in Washington cannot, nor should they, impose costly, widespread regulations that would have a devastating impact on energy expenses during a time of crippling inflation for Kansans. This ruling is a win for the Constitution, and the essential concept of separation of powers that our democratic system relies on.”


  1. In 2022, these energy sources are responsible for the following percentages of Kansas’ electricity:Petroleum – 0.11%Natural Gas – 3.67%Nuclear – 15.72%Coal – 28.77%Renewables – 51.73%
  2. Petroleum – 0.11%
  3. Natural Gas – 3.67%
  4. Nuclear – 15.72%
  5. Coal – 28.77%
  6. Renewables – 51.73%
  7. In March 2022, Senator Marshall introduced the Gas Prices Relief Act, legislation to block the Biden Administration from continuing to stifle the American energy industry. Specifically, the bill prohibits the introduction of any new regulations that decrease U.S. energy production or increase gasoline prices.