By Dewey Terrill
JC Post
A petition has been filed to recall Jeff Underhill from office as a Junction City Commissioner. Geary County Clerk Courtney Gilbert said that the blank petition states the grounds for recall and is being provided to the County Attorney, Krista Blaisdell to determine if the grounds are valid and align with legal statute. The grounds alleged on the petition include misconduct while in office and revoking of insurance license due to fraud and deception. The County Attorney has five business days to make that determination.
If the grounds are deemed appropriate, the Recall Committee can then start to circulate the petition to gather signatures. The Recall Committee includes Stephen Capizzi, Samuel Arias and Tom Remily.
The committee needs 390 valid signatures of registered voters who reside within Junction City limits. They have 90 days to return the petition to the Election Office. That Office then has 30 days to validate the signatures.
If the petition is valid, a special election would be held with one question on the ballot. "Do you want to recall Jeff Underhill from the office of Junction City Commissioner" select yes or no.
Underhill was recently elected by his fellow commissioners to serve as the mayor of Junction City for the coming year. He has not yet commented on the recall petition development.