WASHINGTON, DC — With the 2024/25 NFL football season newly underway, Congressman Paul D. Tonko (NY-20) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the Supporting Affordability and Fairness with Every Bet (SAFE Bet) Act, landmark legislation that would create nationwide consumer protections and standards for the mobile sports gambling industry, according to a media release from Tonko's office.
The SAFE Bet Act would, for the first time, address the public health implications resulting from the widespread legalization of sports betting in the United States. The legislation would require states offering sports betting to meet minimum federal standards in the categories of advertising, affordability and Artificial Intelligence to create a safer, less addictive product.

Congressman Tonko said, “Since their inception, sports and sporting events have been a chance for family, friends, and strangers to gather together in celebration of beloved teams and athletes in a great American pastime. But now, every single moment of every sporting event across the globe has become a betting opportunity. That’s resulted in a frightening rise in gambling disorder, which has in turn enacted a horrific toll on individuals, many of whom have lost their home, job, marriage, and their lives. We have a duty to protect people and their families from suffering the tremendous harm related to gambling addiction. Our SAFE Bet Act gets the job done and gives sports back to the American people.”
Senator Blumenthal said, “This bill is a matter of public health. It is a matter of stopping addiction, saving lives, and making sure that young people particularly are protected against exploitation.”
Dr. Harry Levant, Director of Gambling Policy, PHAI said, “We have known for more than 10 years that gambling is an addictive product and gambling disorder is an addiction similar to heroin, opioids, tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine. With every other addictive product or substance, the government regulates the advertising, promotion, distribution, and consumption of the product. This is to prevent harm and protect public health. With gambling, sadly, the exact opposite is occurring. The gambling industry business model is designed to deliver constant and non-stop gambling action on every phone, tablet, and computer. With the use of cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence, the gambling industry has turned every micro moment in each game or sporting event into constant gambling action. The gambling industry and its sports partners have taken sports away from children, families, and the American public. Every pitch, shot, snap, serve, swing, and more are now used for gambling. Sports have become the equivalent of a non-stop slot machine.”
Mark Gottlieb, Executive Director, PHAI said, “The predatory practices of the gambling industry have resulted in a looming public health crisis and at the Public Health Advocacy Institute we are duty bound to act. At PHAI we bring big ideas to solve public health problems. With gambling, this means replacing the failed “responsible gaming” model with a comprehensive public health response. This includes the SAFE Bet Act, and the Public Health Advocacy Institute is pleased to support Congressman Tonko and Senator Blumenthal as we work for passage of the SAFE Bet Act.”
Gordon Douglas, the father of Andrew, who is currently in recovery for gambling disorder said: “Andrew started online betting by signing up with 1 gambling company. He soon received promotions and offers from at least 6 more gambling companies. Gambling promotions and advertising were all over his phone, computer and television. With virtually no limits on his betting opportunities at all hours of the day, every day of the week, he couldn’t find relief. He became a different person that would say anything to get money to gamble. He reached a point of wanting to end his life because he saw no way out. Thankfully, our story did not end in tragedy. Unlike many people, we had the means to help him get on a path to recovery. We as a country should not allow him and others like him to be exploited. We should do what is right to limit access to this type of gambling.”
Tonko has championed the push in Congress to address sports gambling. Last Congress, he authored the Betting on our Future Act — legislation modeled after the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act — that bans all online and electronic advertising of sports gambling. Earlier this year, Tonko announced a legislative outline of the SAFE Bet Act.