Aug 03, 2024

Park Service asking public for info following Yellowstone geyser explosion

Posted Aug 03, 2024 9:00 PM
Photo National Park Service
Photo National Park Service

West Yellowstone, Montana—The National Park Service is working to get the attention of "all citizen scientists" following the geyser explosion last month.

Yellowstone and Geological Survey are seeking information regarding the hydrothermal explosion event that took place in Biscuit Basin on July 23, 2024.

Who can help: · People in Biscuit Basin or surrounding area who directly observed the even,  people who have photos or videos of Black Diamond Pool, Black Opal Pool, or Wall Pool during the period of July 16-July 23.

If you are in either of these groups and would like to help, please contact the Yellowstone Geology Program: [email protected]

Hydrothermal explosions are common, but not often witnessed. By sharing your observations and media, you can directly contribute to important scientific research on this underappreciated geologic hazard.

If you’re not in either of these groups, you can still help by liking and sharing this post on the Yellowstone facebook page.
