Apr 22, 2020

🎥 Kansas Governor talks about reopening the economy

Posted Apr 22, 2020 8:00 PM

TOPEKA—Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and KDHE Secretary Dr. Lee Norman discussed the state's battle with coronavirus during their 35-minute Wednesday afternoon press conference.

The Governor opened the news conference with the latest numbers on coronavirus cases from the Kansas Department of Health. There are now 70 of the state's 105 counties with confirmed cases of the virus and 110 deaths.

She shared what her staff has been doing to prepare to reopen the Kansas economy. "This will be a gradual rollout. There is no blueprint for what comes next and far more complex than simply flipping a switch."

Kelly also said she has signed a new executive order that assists healthcare workers by temporarily easing license restrictions. "Our healthcare facilities need as much flexibility as possible as we approach our peak virus infection rate in the coming days."