Note: A Spanish-language version of this article can be found HERE.
The new coronavirus is spreading quickly around the world, including across Kansas, and setting off a range of responses.
The Kansas News Service is boiling down key developments in the state and updating the status regularly here. To read this information in Spanish, go here. This list was last updated at 4:10 p.m. April 7.
900 cases (see map for counties) and 223 hospitalizations
27 deaths (the state is no longer disclosing which counties are seeing deaths)
NOTE: These figures only include cases confirmed with lab tests and do not represent the real, unknown total. Community transmission is occurring in parts of Kansas. View additional charts showing the disease’s spread over time and other trends here.

Gov. Laura Kelly is instituting a statewide stay-at-home order as of 12:01 a.m. March 30. It will last until at least April 19. Stay-at-home orders allow people to take care of essential activities (such as grocery shopping or going to work) as well as exercise outside, but otherwise keep to themselves.
The state’s stay-at-home order supersedes at least 13 county-by-county orders. Should the state’s order lift before a county’s is through, the county can choose to keep its own in effect.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is now mandating home quarantine for 14 days if you've traveled to the places listed below. If you come down with symptoms (such as a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, coughing or shortness of breath) during those 14 days, contact your health care provider and explain your potential COVID-19 exposure.
- Connecticut on or after April 6.
- Louisiana or anywhere in Colorado on or after March 27.
- States with known widespread community transmission (California, Florida, New York and Washington) on or after March 15.
- Illinois or New Jersey on or after March 23.
- Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and Gunnison counties in Colorado (if your visit was March 8th or later).
- Cruise ships or river cruises on or after March 15. Anyone previously told to quarantine because of their cruise ship travel should also finish out their quarantine.
- International destinations on or after March 15. Anyone previously told to quarantine because of their international travel should also finish out their quarantine.
Some doctors recommend patients with COVID-19 symptoms stay home even if they test negative for the disease, because of concerns that current testing approaches may be producing a significant number of false negatives.
Several hospitals across the state now offer drive-through testing, but patients must get doctor approval in advance or else will be turned away. Many Kansans can’t be tested unless they’re sick enough to be hospitalized, and results may take up to a week.
That’s because testing supplies remain limited and private labs helping many clinics and hospitals have large backlogs of samples. Hospitals trying to buy equipment for in-house testing say vendors are backlogged, too. The state will soon have several portable machines that can conduct 5- to 15-minute tests, and plans to lend them out to facilities most in need.
Some Kansas hospitals have succeeded in getting the testing materials and can give patients their results within a day. The state health department lab in Topeka can handle several hundred samples per day — a fraction of the demand.
Under a new federal law, you should not have to pay for your coronavirus test, regardless of insurance status (but patients could still see related bills). Separately, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, the state’s largest private insurer, says some patients won’t have to pay for coronavirus treatment.
Public and private universities and community colleges in the state will finish this semester via online classes. Spring sports have been canceled. Most staff travel has been suspended. Graduations at KU, K-State and Wichita State are postponed or rescheduled.
The University of Kansas and Wichita State also plan to hold summer classes online. KU and K-State announced hiring freezes in early April.
In mid-March, Kansas became the first state in the U.S. to shut down school buildings for the rest of the 2019-20 school year. A state task force then issued guidance for distance learning, for which students aren’t expected to spend more than a few hours a day.
Some districts that make high schoolers earn more credits than required by the state will graduate them this year based on the state’s lower bar.
Districts across the state are still providing free meals to eligible children, but some have stopped because of concerns about the coronavirus spreading at meal pickup sites.
- Church gatherings and funerals: Effective April 8, the governor has prohibited services of more than 10 people. That doesn’t count people performing the rituals or funeral workers, but they must stay six feet apart from each other.
- State tax deadline: Extended until July 15, in line with a delay for filing federal tax forms.
- Evictions: Business and residential evictions are banned until May 1 if a tenant is unable to pay because of the coronavirus.
- Mortgage foreclosures: Foreclosures are banned until May 1.
- Small businesses: May be eligible for emergency federal loans. Find information here.
- Hospitality businesses: Kansas created an emergency loan program, which quickly ran out of funds, but businesses can still apply to help the state assess the need for more assistance.
- Utilities: Evergy, which serves 950,000 customers in Kansas, will not disconnect residential or business services for an unspecified amount of time.
- Gatherings: Restricted to fewer than 10 people throughout the state.
- State of emergency: Kansas’ declaration is good through May (and can be extended). It gives the government more power to marshal resources and Kelly the ability to make certain decisions when lawmakers aren’t in session.
- State workers: Access to the Statehouse is limited to official business only through April 19. Most state workers are doing their jobs remotely.
- Prisons and jails: The Kansas Department of Corrections ended visitation at all state facilities, and will “re-evaluate on an ongoing basis.” It urges families to talk to inmates through email, phone calls and video visits. County jails largely have ended visitations as well.
COVID-19 usually causes mild to moderate symptoms, like a fever or cough. Most people with mild symptoms recover in two weeks. More severe cases, found in older adults and people with health issues, can have up to six weeks’ recovery time or can lead to death.
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Frequently.
- Cover your coughs.
- The CDC now recommends wearing a cloth mask in situations where social distancing isn’t possible; instructions for sewn and non-sewn versions are here.
- If you’re an older Kansan or medically fragile, limit your trips to the grocery store or any public space.
- Stay home if you are sick — this goes for all ages.
Kansas Department of Health and Environment: http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
The Kansas News Service is a collaboration of KCUR, Kansas Public Radio, KMUW and High Plains Public Radio focused on health, the social determinants of health and their connection to public policy.