Nov 03, 2021

🎥Moran, Marshall stand up against Biden vaccine mandate

Posted Nov 03, 2021 10:00 PM

WASHINGTON —On Thursday morning, Members of the U.S. Senate officially launched a challenge against President Biden's vaccine mandate for businesses.

These Senators agreed the rule is a vast overstep of authority by the federal government of what should be a personal medical decision for every American.

Senator Moran said, "No one would think it's the best result to have someone in Washington DC dictate whether you or a member of your family must be vaccinated. No one would think the decision should be taken away from Wichita, Kansas and decided in Washington in order to come to work you have to be vaccinated."

Senator Marshall said, " I support the vaccine but not the mandate. We are going to do everything we can to stop President Biden's unlawful, unconstitutional vaccine mandate."

Wednesday, November 3, is the deadline for aircraft workers at Textron and Spirt AeroSystems in Wichita to get their first COVID vaccinations or lose their jobs.