Dec 21, 2023

Hearing details how suspect escaped from Kan. sex offender program

Posted Dec 21, 2023 10:00 PM
Colt as shown in his current Pawnee County booking photo
Colt as shown in his current Pawnee County booking photo

PAWNEE COUNTY  – John Freemen Colt, 45, who escaped from the sex offender program at Larned State Hospital in June of 2021 appeared in the Pawnee County District Court, Wednesday morning for a Preliminary Hearing on felony charges, according to Pawnee County Attorney Doug McNett.

Testimony presented at the hearing indicated the Sexual Predator Treatment Program administrative staff were first notified at approximately 8:15 a.m. on June 30, 2021, about concerns of a professionally dressed unidentified male staff member having been on the Sexual Predator Treatment Program housing unit earlier in the morning.

Colt as shown in security camera images on the day of. his escape
Colt as shown in security camera images on the day of. his escape

The unknown individual had indicated to unit staff that he was new to Larned State Hospital and needed help finding his way out of the building. Initial resident counts by unit staff did not suggest any elopements concerns at that point. Attempts were then made by administrative staff to identify the unknown individual by reviewing surveillance footage. The surveillance footage showed the individual in question walking out the front doors of the Dillon Building at 7:09 a.m.

Reviewing the footage backwards, Larned State Hospital administrative staff attempted to determine when the unknown individual first appeared in the building and/or on the unit in question. While the review of surveillance footage was being attempted, the building in question experienced a power outage which impacted the camera system, intercoms, and electronically controlled doors. As a result of the outage, the building was placed in a security lockdown at approximately 10:30 a.m.. Administrative staff further testified that subsequent hourly resident counts by unit mental health staff still did not suggest any elopement concerns. Power was not restored until approximately 11:30 a.m.

At approximately 11:45 a.m., administrative staff concluded that the unknown individual was a Sexual Predator Treatment Program resident. The footage showed a resident entering the restroom wearing a hooded coat to conceal their identity. When the unidentified individual reemerged, they were wearing an Larned State Hospital issued employee facemask, well-fitting professional clothing, and an employee name badge. Covid protocols in place at the time required staff to wear masks. An emergency “face to face” count was then ordered to be conducted by Larned State Hospital Safety and Security Staff. The hospital Security Chief testified his staff had not been notified of any elopement concern prior to that point.

They also had not participated in the review of the surveillance footage. Security staff going room by room determined John Colt was unaccounted for and that Colt had used pillows and blankets to make it appear he was sleeping in his room.

According to the testimony of staff, the surveillance footage revealed that in addition to different clothing Colt dramatically changed his appearance by cutting his normally long hair and beard. Upon the elopement discovery, Security staff locked down the campus, set up a security perimeter and notified local law enforcement of the elopement.

The security chief further testified that a critical review of the incident occurred which has resulted in stricter security protocols being implemented and new technologies being utilized to prevent this type of elopement from occurring in the future.

An area farmer testified at the hearing that at approximately 11:00 a.m., an unknown professionally dressed man approached his farmstead, which is located a few miles west of Larned State Hospital, claiming to have had car trouble and needing a ride into town. The farmer gave the man a ride into a local convenience store. The farmer identified Colt as being the individual he’d given a ride.

Following the elopement, the Pawnee County Sheriff’s Department took over the investigation with the assistance of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and US Marshal Service. Pawnee County Sheriff Detective Jacob Robison testified his investigation determined that after being dropped off at the convenience store Colt walked to the residence of co-defendant Rachel Rena Perez, 52, of Larned.

Earlier this month District Judge Bruce Gatterman sentenced Rachel Rena Perez, 52, of Larned, to a sentence of 16 months in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections for her role in Colt's escape.-photo KBI Offender Registry
Earlier this month District Judge Bruce Gatterman sentenced Rachel Rena Perez, 52, of Larned, to a sentence of 16 months in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections for her role in Colt's escape.-photo KBI Offender Registry

Colt then left the area on a motorcycle he’d arranged to purchase with the assistance of Perez. Perez is currently in the custody of the Pawnee County Sheriff having recently been sentenced to 16 months in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections for her relationship with Colt and role in the escape.

Detective Robison further testified his investigation determined Colt had relationships with several female LSH staff members, had requested assistance from them, and that he utilized a cellular telephone and several social media accounts to communicate with those staff members outside of Larned State Hospital. It was through the review of those accounts which led to law enforcement identifying the motorcycle utilized to leave the area.

Colt following his arrest in Utah
Colt following his arrest in Utah

Following a nationwide manhunt, Colt was arrested while driving the motorcycle in Wayne County, Utah on September 27, 2021.

Following the presentation of evidence, Magistrate Judge Julie Cowell found the State presented sufficient evidence to support the charges and bound the defendant over to the higher court on one count of Aggravated Escape from Custody and five counts of Violation of the Kansas Offender Registration Act. Arraignment has been scheduled for February 12, 2024.

If convicted of the current felony charges, Colt  faces between 17 months and 46 months in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections depending on his criminal history.

John Freemen Colt, 45, is now back in the custody of the Sexual Predator Treatment Program on the campus of Larned State Hospital, after he served a 21 month term with the Federal Bureau of Prisons on a conviction for Failing to Register under the Federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.