RILEY COUNTY —A small alligator has been spotted in Wildcat Creek, according to the Riley County Police Department.
Animal Control Officers were notified and were able to locate a small alligator measuring approximately 3-feet long swimming in the creek, according to the city of Manhattan.
The owners of Reptile World in Manhattan were contacted, but claim the animal is not one of the alligators missing from their store, as the missing alligators were much larger in size.
Animal Control Officers have contacted the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to determine a course of action for capturing the alligator safely if needed.
The public is advised to use caution in the area. Linear Trail will remain open but no swimming, wading, or playing is allowed in Wildcat Creek at any time.
Police are asking the public to avoid looking for it. Officials will be trying to capture it and they need space.
“Sometimes people illegally capture or buy alligators when they’re small, thinking they would make a good pet,” said T. Russel Reitz Animal Shelter Director Deb Watkins. “This could be one of those cases. Anyone who owns an alligator is required to have a state license and large alligators require a pet store license.”
Alligators are not native to Kansas and have no ability to survive winter temperatures here.
Caution signs are in place and the public is advised to remain on the trail if walking or biking in the area.
Check the post for additional details as they become available.